الكتب والمراجع والراويات
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Math book level 2 KG2 A4
The second-level mathematics book helps kids learn mathematical skills in a fun and interactive way and provides explanations in a simplified manner that suits the understanding of kids in the second preparatory stage.
90٫00 ج.م.
The easy way to learn English book
The Easy Way to Learn English book is a tool designed to help individuals learn English in an easy and enjoyable way. The book aims to simplify linguistic concepts and present them in a simplified way that makes it easier for learners to understand grammar and vocabulary.
65٫00 ج.م.
English Connect Book Part 1 KG2 A4 Model 49549.
English Connect Book Part 1 KG2 is an educational book designed for kids in kindergarten and aims to enhance their English language learning skills in an easy and fun way.
85٫00 ج.م.
El-Moasser Book for Mathematics Second Preparatory Grade
El-Moasser Book for Mathematics for the Second Preparatory Grade, contains a method of explaining and presenting the subject in a simple and detailed way to ensure the student's comprehension. After each lesson and unit, there are many different questions that measure the student's comprehension.
132٫00 ج.م.
EL-Moasser Science 1 Preparatory Book
EL-Moasser Science 1 Preparatory Book, the book provides a distinctive presentation of the curriculum lessons with a comprehensive explanation, and many diverse activities that cover all the ideas of the lesson.
255٫00 ج.م.
El Moasser Science Book 3 Preparatory
El Moasser Science Book for the third year of Preparatory school guarantees you accurate scientific content, a simplified explanation, and practice questions after each idea or lesson, because it was prepared through the experiences of previous years' exams. The book comes with many examples of each lesson and its applications.
285٫00 ج.م.
French book for the third Secondary grade Al-Moaser
Al-Moaser French Book for the Third Secondary Grade The book includes a complete educational curriculum to help students study the French language and improve their speaking and writing skills in easy ways. The book contains exercises and activities that help students and improve skills.
235٫00 ج.م.
ALMOASER BOOK ENGLISH CONNECT 2 ND PRIMARY, the book provides a distinctive presentation of the curriculum lessons with a comprehensive explanation, and many diverse activities that cover all the ideas of the lesson.
177٫00 ج.م.
Al-Moaser Math Book 3 Preparatory
Al-Moaser Math Book for the third year of middle school guarantees you accurate scientific content, a simplified explanation, and training questions after each idea, lesson, or mathematical problems, because it was prepared through the experiences of previous years' exams. The book comes with many examples of each lesson and its applications.
315٫00 ج.م.
Dad is right A3 Book
Dad is right A3 book, with high quality paper and a wonderful and attractive design for children for a fun, useful and entertaining reading session for children and more.
20٫00 ج.م.