الكتب والمراجع والراويات
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Book How Beautiful is Friendship - Al Mostaqbal
The story of How Beautiful is Friendship! From the series Psychological Skills from the Future, a story that discusses psychological and behavioral problems that many children face and helps them overcome them and how to overcome them.
40٫00 ج.م.
Believe in yourself Book - Al Mostaqbal
The Believe in yourself Book from the Psychological Skills series from Al Mostaqbal, the book discusses in the form of short stories some of the behavioral and psychological problems that are actually prevalent among children, including phobia, selfishness, low self-esteem, and other problems, and presents ideas on how to solve these problems.
40٫00 ج.م.
Reem's Courage Story - Al Mostaqbal
The story of Reem's Courage Story from the series of psychological skills from Al Mostaqbal, the story tells of a girl named "Reem" who fears the dark and imagines ghosts hiding in the room, so her mother helps her overcome this fear and be more courageous, as the story teaches the child how to be courageous in an interesting and beautiful way and that it is one of the qualities that children should be raised on from an early age.
40٫00 ج.م.
Write Tomato Island
Write Tomato Island with high quality paper and a wonderful and attractive design for children for a fun and entertaining reading session for children and more.
80٫00 ج.م.
Book of Initiative (Fruits of Colloquial Poetry) by Sheikh Amin Al-Deeb - Dar Al-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution
Book of Initiative (Fruits of Colloquial Poetry) from Dar Al-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution, the book presents a colloquial poem by Sheikh Amin Al-Deeb.
15٫50 ج.م.
Kindergarten Trees Series (Word Tree) Kindergarten Book 2 Term 2 in Colors - Dar Al Farouk for Publishing and Distribution
Kindergarten Trees Series (Word Tree) Kindergarten from Dar Al Farouk, book 2 Term 2 in Colors, this series helps develop the child's skills and abilities by introducing him to some words and terms with attractive pictures and illustrations, so that the child can obtain the educational benefit with ease and simplicity.
100٫00 ج.م.
The Tomb of Tutankhamun from the Inside - Dar Al Farouk for Publishing and Distribution
The Tomb of Tutankhamun from the Inside by Dar Al Farouk, this book provides a historical background about the most famous figure today among all the pharaohs who ruled Egypt, all thanks to the great archaeological discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. The book explains the details of the tomb from the inside with some pictures and illustrations.
108٫00 ج.م.
The story of a giraffe looking for a job
The story of a giraffe searching for a job for kids from Future Company for electronic and printed education, through which kids can be encouraged to read, as its events are interesting and contain attractive drawings and colors, which can be relied upon to develop the kid’s mental and cognitive skills.
95٫00 ج.م.
Shakespeare's Tales (The Merchant of Venice) in Color - Dar Al Farouk for Publishing and Distribution
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice in color pictures from Dar Al Farouk, the story tells the events of one of the most important plays of the international writer, which takes place in the city of Venice in Italy, the story deals with several topics such as love, friendship, justice and revenge, and combines drama and comedy.
40٫00 ج.م.
Kindergarten Trees Series Kindergarten Book 2 Term 1 in Colors (Dar Al Farouq)
The Kindergarten Trees Series, Kindergarten, Second Book, First Term, in Colors, is distinguished by its educational content presented in various ways. It also contains drawings and pictures that attract kids to learn.
100٫00 ج.م.
Hop Onto Alphabet Reader 1
Hop onto Alphabet Reader 1 is a unique book that encourages effective learning. It focuses on the English alphabet and aims to teach children how to read and write them.
65٫00 ج.م.
Shakespeare's Tales Series - Hamlet in Color (Dar Al Farouq)
Shakespeare's Tales Series: Hamlet in Color (Dar Al Farouq), Short Description It is one of the best story series that contains many literary meanings, making it ideal as a gift for reading enthusiasts. The series is written in Arabic.
40٫00 ج.م.